When I ran across this website, I immediately saw the use for it. Who hasn't been confused by ascii tables or hex and decimal codes? Ascii Tables
Being the nerd that I am, I immediately made my own conversion chart in a notebook for easy access, but all you really have to do is bookmark the page and look back on it from time to time. This helps a lot with html and the like and the little alt codes that some people have issues with.
It also has Scan Codes and EBCDIC, HTML Codes and Unicode v4 tables. It sports a link to another useful website, All Conversions which has an assortment of functions from Area conversions to Byte conversions, to temperature and volume.
All-around a pretty useful website and even more useful for people into computer programming.
My rating: 8/10
From subconscious to conscious; from conscious to word; from word to pen; from pen to paper; from paper to eyes; from eyes to conscious; from conscious to subconscious. Insanity is a state of mind which every human suffers from, but few realize their own insanity or the insanity of those around them, for some forms of insanity are considered to be the norm. Mankind has chased insanity since the dawn of our existence and now we see it staring us down; our demons unleashed from Pandora's Box at our own curiousity's request; those that come before us setting the pace for our insanity by following the paths of those that came before them and them before them. Our suffering; entirely our own creation, though far removed and the creation of a different generation; when will we waken from our cooperative nightmare and begin to truly experience life as was first intended?
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