In ancient times, a troll was an ugly, misshapen creature.

Over time, many variations of troll have emerged from the troll seen above; which is a mountain troll; to the trolls that live under bridges, cave trolls, etc. Including the popular versions of troll found in current video games such as God of War.
In recent years, the word troll has taken on a new meaning. It has been used in a variety of functions. To the modern linguist, a troll is a person who is found on the internet who waits for people to say something and then responds to it with the express intent of getting a reaction from them.
Many times, people have been called trolls simply for stimulating conversation with others, much to the dismay of online communities everywhere; and communication in general slowly dwindled down and became hostile.
As the troll evolved, it took on various forms. While the forms do remain too numerous to name, I have taken the liberty of highlighting those most often seen.
5-Headed Troll Beast
The number 5 is just a go-by. The average troll of this variety has multiple heads ranging from 2-10, though some may have upward of 50 heads or more. They all appear to be different, but at the core they're the same being and move in close packs that make them appear to be the same organism and might just be. They will act as normal trolls trying to get a reaction out of people and when a reaction is had, will use bully tactics to put you in your place and then make out like you attacked them.
Not very dangerous, mostly feeds on your anger and rage and pushes you to lose your cool so it can fuck with you.
The Illusionist Troll
This is a highly accomplished troll. What the 5-headed troll beast does with multiple heads; the illusionist can do with just one, and then some. The Illusionist can and will wrap you up in words, make out to be the victim; make you feel guilt, etc. and turn everything around on you leaving you a confused and insecure mess. A master of verbal and mental manipulation and highly dangerous.
The Gentle Troll
Generally a nice person that just likes to tease people and have a fun time; never means anything by what they say and is mostly liked by everyone.
The Troll-hunter Troll
Very rare and highly unappreciated. No danger to most, but can be very dangerous to other trolls. Can be as adept as the Illusionist and drive out the 5-Headed TrolL beast. Eats Lone trolls for lunch and constantly works to ensure that people can have a safe place to communicate without constant 'serious' trolling that they dislike. Known to speak logic and reason and common sense and loves to defend people who are having trolls get the better of them.
The Lone Troll
Otherwise known as 'the amateur troll'; While the Illusionist Troll and the Troll-Hunter Troll work by themselves; they're good at it. The Lone Troll can still be dangerous if handled inappropriately as they are known to get lucky from time to time. Usually evolves into either the 5-Headed Troll Beast or The Illusionist Troll.
(Unproven)The Mega-Troll Conglomerate
Masterminds arise within the trolling communities. Those exceptionally talented at what they do. Inevitably these are either the 5-headed troll beasts or the Illusionist types of trolls, that evolve into a higher state of being. They draw other trolls to them in this state and control them through various methods. They are multi-faceted and know many online tricks. They might be a hacker or programmer. As a group, they wield far more power and can actually affect events in the world. Think of a nerdy, troll version of fight club and this is the closest approximation one can give. The people that make these groups up could be anyone and anywhere and they use their power of numbers for great advantage. It is unclear as to how many such groups exist, let alone even one such group but it has to be theorized that one does exist; as these trolls do remain as variations of humans and humans are known to massively group together when common interest is found. What the goals of one of these groups might be is also hard to determine as they would be, by nature, trollish and untrustworthy, but they would know how to work people.
That's it for common types of trolls. Please remain careful while using the internet and watch out for trolls. If you notice you're being engaged by one, the best thing you can do is just ignore it until goes away. Stop responding to it altogether, unless you have the ability to see through its trolling and beat it down, which can be a drain on you emotionally and physically and requires a fair amount of will.
Knowing your enemy is half the battle.

Over time, many variations of troll have emerged from the troll seen above; which is a mountain troll; to the trolls that live under bridges, cave trolls, etc. Including the popular versions of troll found in current video games such as God of War.
In recent years, the word troll has taken on a new meaning. It has been used in a variety of functions. To the modern linguist, a troll is a person who is found on the internet who waits for people to say something and then responds to it with the express intent of getting a reaction from them.
Many times, people have been called trolls simply for stimulating conversation with others, much to the dismay of online communities everywhere; and communication in general slowly dwindled down and became hostile.
As the troll evolved, it took on various forms. While the forms do remain too numerous to name, I have taken the liberty of highlighting those most often seen.
5-Headed Troll Beast
The number 5 is just a go-by. The average troll of this variety has multiple heads ranging from 2-10, though some may have upward of 50 heads or more. They all appear to be different, but at the core they're the same being and move in close packs that make them appear to be the same organism and might just be. They will act as normal trolls trying to get a reaction out of people and when a reaction is had, will use bully tactics to put you in your place and then make out like you attacked them.
Not very dangerous, mostly feeds on your anger and rage and pushes you to lose your cool so it can fuck with you.
The Illusionist Troll
This is a highly accomplished troll. What the 5-headed troll beast does with multiple heads; the illusionist can do with just one, and then some. The Illusionist can and will wrap you up in words, make out to be the victim; make you feel guilt, etc. and turn everything around on you leaving you a confused and insecure mess. A master of verbal and mental manipulation and highly dangerous.
The Gentle Troll
Generally a nice person that just likes to tease people and have a fun time; never means anything by what they say and is mostly liked by everyone.
The Troll-hunter Troll
Very rare and highly unappreciated. No danger to most, but can be very dangerous to other trolls. Can be as adept as the Illusionist and drive out the 5-Headed TrolL beast. Eats Lone trolls for lunch and constantly works to ensure that people can have a safe place to communicate without constant 'serious' trolling that they dislike. Known to speak logic and reason and common sense and loves to defend people who are having trolls get the better of them.
The Lone Troll
Otherwise known as 'the amateur troll'; While the Illusionist Troll and the Troll-Hunter Troll work by themselves; they're good at it. The Lone Troll can still be dangerous if handled inappropriately as they are known to get lucky from time to time. Usually evolves into either the 5-Headed Troll Beast or The Illusionist Troll.
(Unproven)The Mega-Troll Conglomerate
Masterminds arise within the trolling communities. Those exceptionally talented at what they do. Inevitably these are either the 5-headed troll beasts or the Illusionist types of trolls, that evolve into a higher state of being. They draw other trolls to them in this state and control them through various methods. They are multi-faceted and know many online tricks. They might be a hacker or programmer. As a group, they wield far more power and can actually affect events in the world. Think of a nerdy, troll version of fight club and this is the closest approximation one can give. The people that make these groups up could be anyone and anywhere and they use their power of numbers for great advantage. It is unclear as to how many such groups exist, let alone even one such group but it has to be theorized that one does exist; as these trolls do remain as variations of humans and humans are known to massively group together when common interest is found. What the goals of one of these groups might be is also hard to determine as they would be, by nature, trollish and untrustworthy, but they would know how to work people.
That's it for common types of trolls. Please remain careful while using the internet and watch out for trolls. If you notice you're being engaged by one, the best thing you can do is just ignore it until goes away. Stop responding to it altogether, unless you have the ability to see through its trolling and beat it down, which can be a drain on you emotionally and physically and requires a fair amount of will.
Knowing your enemy is half the battle.
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