From subconscious to conscious; from conscious to word; from word to pen; from pen to paper; from paper to eyes; from eyes to conscious; from conscious to subconscious. Insanity is a state of mind which every human suffers from, but few realize their own insanity or the insanity of those around them, for some forms of insanity are considered to be the norm. Mankind has chased insanity since the dawn of our existence and now we see it staring us down; our demons unleashed from Pandora's Box at our own curiousity's request; those that come before us setting the pace for our insanity by following the paths of those that came before them and them before them. Our suffering; entirely our own creation, though far removed and the creation of a different generation; when will we waken from our cooperative nightmare and begin to truly experience life as was first intended?

Friday, August 2, 2013

On Peace

People are not at peace with themselves; how they can be at peace with the world around them? People run from the small things; how can they stop and fight against the big? People attack each other and destroy themselves; how can they recognize the true enemy or ever hope to defeat it?

There is balance to be found in every soul, between good and evil, right and wrong. It's making peace with your monster and making peace with the fact that you can't change the world on your own. You can be as ripples in the great ocean, but nothing more. There is peace to be fought for in our own minds before we ever begin to fight for it outside of our selves.

Until we find that inner peace; until the majority of us finds it; we will not find peace throughout our world. The confidence to make decisions without doubting them only to doubt them later when the heat is off; the knowledge of what you're capable of and the personal choice to rise above. The thirst for knowledge and learning as much as you can at the same time as knowing the impossibility of knowing everything.

Only when such balance can be found will true enlightenment begin and pain & suffering are merely tools toward this end, neither bad nor good, but remaining in a stage where your individual choice determines the result. There are no beginnings or endings, only middles and continuations, so do not wait for the ending of something or the beginning of something, but instead act as if it is already in progress; for it is already in progress.

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