From subconscious to conscious; from conscious to word; from word to pen; from pen to paper; from paper to eyes; from eyes to conscious; from conscious to subconscious. Insanity is a state of mind which every human suffers from, but few realize their own insanity or the insanity of those around them, for some forms of insanity are considered to be the norm. Mankind has chased insanity since the dawn of our existence and now we see it staring us down; our demons unleashed from Pandora's Box at our own curiousity's request; those that come before us setting the pace for our insanity by following the paths of those that came before them and them before them. Our suffering; entirely our own creation, though far removed and the creation of a different generation; when will we waken from our cooperative nightmare and begin to truly experience life as was first intended?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Let it be known of the mortal realm that it is neither the realm of the almighty nor the realm of sheoul, of lost souls; but the realm that rests between and in the middle of those two realms. As such, no mortal creature shall ever rise to the triumphant heights of angelic beings, nor will they be lowered unto the demons of the Hell, though they may come close in either direction they choose to pursue.

The land of the mortal creatures is a realm of balance and measure, where the end result is unimportant and the journey is all that matters. Until such a time comes to pass wherein all mortal creatures recognize the importance of each other and learn to work in harmony, such extremes will occur that give cause to fight and squander lives. Until each mortal that is tasked with responsibility reaches out to grasp and until each Mortal learns of the balance that must be found between good and evil within themselves, there will be much tragedy and bloodshed and suffering.

For truly, the pursuit of peace and happiness is divine and the pursuit against is divine in its own right as an opposing mirror image and truly no mortal being will ever truly come to differentiate between the two in every situation. Mortals will come that are seemingly evil, but are truly noble and surely some will come that seem noble that are truly evil and to any bystander caught in the middle of these struggles, neither side will be obvious for the perceptions of those viewing will be their own and the perceptions of those fighting will be their own.

Surely, also, true wrong and right can not be discerned by mortals governed by perspective; only those who return to true enlightenment shall see it in its entirety and recognize the futile strains of recursive thought and action that other mortals so keenly thrust themselves toward. To ascend past all perspective is the true divine nature of mankind, for it is their lot to do so and their responsibility to care for and tend to all other matters of their homes; orbs of dirt and sky that float serenely through the heavens; from the biggest animals to the smallest insects to the plants that cover all of their home.

And brother will fight brother and sister will fight sister and they will all fight each other, as is according to their nature, however they will see the true meaning of that fighting in time and will seek to remain true to each other regardless of their personal tribulations. And thus will true peace spread throughout their home; not by the eradication of all that is viewed to be evil, but through the acceptance and allowance of such; for balance is the way of their existence and balance between the heavenly and the lost most of all; so they may better traverse the all-encompassing tribulations of their mortal plane.

But such a balance will not be attained without its own tragedy and suffering through tribulation. For surely, to save the mortal plane and its inhabitants, it must surely come close to destruction, first; for that is the miracle of life and the cycle of death and rebirth. It is the lot of these mortal creatures to solve the problems that we can not for they are of flesh and blood and spirit and we are merely spirits without bodies, awaiting our chance to join our brethren and communicating feebly to them through subconscious avenues of thought our wisdom to combine with their experiences.

For no true miracle came by itself, but through tragedy and through perseverance and no creature, mortal or other, has ever learned true knowledge or wisdom without a small death and a rebirth of thought. So, too, no spirit grows without first being born and living and then dying and returning to their spiritual world; only to repeat the cycle.

Think not of Hell as you have been told to think of it, but instead view it as a healing place for the souls who were damaged by their journey to the middle realm. A place to recover and relearn who they are for having been made to forget through extreme force. That is another cycle of death and rebirth all its own and some are so broken as to be beyond repair and stew and stir in their dark thoughts throughout the long millenia.

Many times in the past has mankind been thrust through cycles of death and rebirth to reach the current age of the world. Each passing of the cycle brings us closer and closer to this 'balance' that we must find. For ages, now, many who have been lost have fought against the completion of this cycle and this pattern, pushing it to a head. So much so that ancient prophecy must be revisited; dusted and taken off the shelf; and scientists must come together to determine the extent of damages to come based on varying factors of natural disasters long overdue by their own reckoning.

So, too, will philosophers and others come together to theorize and discuss the changing nature of the world and many will rise to fight against it even more, for they know that with its coming, everything they have indulged in and loved will be at an end and instead of accepting the ending of such with dignity and good will, they feel empty and hollow, as that is the nature of sin and excess: to always enter, but never fill and when it is gone, to leave you feeling emptier than before.

IN their struggles, they shall bring about the end of their current age and the beginning of the next with increasing speed so that what has built up over long centuries and millenia will release and unfold and be done with in the passing of a few years. Forget what you have known and been taught, for you have been lied to and deceived by your fellow man in their pursuit and thirst for power over this middle world, where power was always intended to falter and fall short.

For no man shall have dominion over another and no man shall take advantage of another overly often without it ruining them and dragging them from enlightenment. Thus, power shall always corrupt the unworthy of power and shall always favor those who are worthy, and very few mortals will be found that are worthy of such power; for even the Great King Solomon the Wise was eventually dragged down and conquered by his own power.

Instead, each man shall be as equal to each man, and each woman, too; and each animal and plant. Respect will be given and received equally and thanks will be given when any life must be taken to provide sustenance for another. They will learn of war and peace in the same breath and stay ever optimistic while preparing for the worst; for as long this mortal realm exists in the middle of the other two, so too shall there always exist those who have no good thought in store for their neighbor.

And no man has right to judge another, for are not the mistakes of one man the mistakes of every man? For surely one mans mistake is the mistake of many others that turn up their noses; or many have made mistakes of similar magnitude and turn up their noses. Judge not lest ye be judged yourself and attack not lest ye be willing to face the heat and truth of the attack returned against yourself. For, if you can not abide the heat of the flames, it is not wise to stand inside the fire.

Every man has the right to defend himself, but to do so adequately and with no more force than is absolutely necessary. Wisdom and compassion; patience and understanding. All must be used in every aspect of life, even while under attack by another, for the attack itself may not be right or wrong, good or evil and each person involved may not be any of those things, but some confused mixture that strikes against each other without thought or reason.

So when you fall under attack, consider the person attacking and for what reason. Stick to truth, even if it does not favor you, for truth shall lead to the balance that is necessary for the middle realm to exist. Truth that all things are necessary in the correct time and place, even killing another being. So, too, must it be that these mortal creatures toil and tend to their home and waste not time overly much in luxury, though luxury should be allowed. Responsibility must come and then luxury, such should be the priority of all mortal creatures.

So, too, must time be made for thought and for meditation which will further thought and allow these mortal creatures to understand their place in the grand scheme of things. Systems have been designed to prevent people from thinking and meditating; forces people to act unnaturally and toward a cycle of abuse and slavery that is not beneficial to the rest. Such systems will in time destroy themselves or be destroyed by the people, so fear not and do not wonder overly often if it is your duty to participate in such fighting.

If it were your duty, you would be doing it; it would be as instinct for you and opportunity after opportunity would be there waiting. Concern yourself more with thought and meditation and honest work, for those are the virtues needed when the fighting is done and peace is called upon once more.

The meaning of life is simply to live and the ultimate goal is to find balance, both in yourself and with nature and with all other things; so, too, is the goal of every mortal creature, especially those with abilities beyond that of other mortal creatures and especially those mortal creatures who view themselves to be above and superior to all other mortal creatures; for their arrogance and vanity is nothing more than self-delusion and insecurity and if they truly wished to prove their superiority, they would push more toward finding that balance and equality for all things, including things that can not speak or communicate.

Intricately we are bound together through a series and system of events and circumstances that brings us together at the same time as dividing us and making us stumble through the darkness; the better with which to find the light and the better with which to see the way and the better with which to be awed by the majesty of light once we find our way back out and sit blinking in the changed environ.

On Peace

People are not at peace with themselves; how they can be at peace with the world around them? People run from the small things; how can they stop and fight against the big? People attack each other and destroy themselves; how can they recognize the true enemy or ever hope to defeat it?

There is balance to be found in every soul, between good and evil, right and wrong. It's making peace with your monster and making peace with the fact that you can't change the world on your own. You can be as ripples in the great ocean, but nothing more. There is peace to be fought for in our own minds before we ever begin to fight for it outside of our selves.

Until we find that inner peace; until the majority of us finds it; we will not find peace throughout our world. The confidence to make decisions without doubting them only to doubt them later when the heat is off; the knowledge of what you're capable of and the personal choice to rise above. The thirst for knowledge and learning as much as you can at the same time as knowing the impossibility of knowing everything.

Only when such balance can be found will true enlightenment begin and pain & suffering are merely tools toward this end, neither bad nor good, but remaining in a stage where your individual choice determines the result. There are no beginnings or endings, only middles and continuations, so do not wait for the ending of something or the beginning of something, but instead act as if it is already in progress; for it is already in progress.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Literally and figuratively; even metaphorically; sick and tired.

Alright, so this is where I'm at: sick and tired of seeing stupid bullshit. People too caught up with hating each other or specific groups of people that they miss the point of everything going on in the world. I see non-religious people hating on religions; I see drivers hating on bike riders; I see so many people hating on each other. Just continued hate, black and white; one side has to be right while the other has to be wrong.

The ignorance is over-whelming, to be honest. Makes me want to go through and delete my Facebook account, go through and take a sledgehammer to my computer and just try to break this addiction that has consumed my life for the past 12 years. To think that I, at one point, wanted to be connected with everything.

Here's the bottom line: it's not the groups of people that you hate. It's the individuals within the group. Take religion for example: did you know that most of them are harmless and keep to themselves? Yeah, any fucking religion. Did you know that it's been the charisma and leadership of a few individuals that has caused the amount of harm that has been caused? Yeah, not the big group that you motherfuckers think it is, no. They, like everyone else, are sheep that like to follow. There's very few people with actual backbone that are worth a damn in this world; with intelligence alongside their confidence; Wisdom to compliment their... baser natures.

You want to blame religions like current revolutionaries want to blame Governments. Yeah, certain people throughout history have corrupted governments; just the same as certain people throughout history have corrupted religions. What you forget is that when these things worked great, they worked fantastically great. If it wasn't for the complacent and apathetic nature of most of the 'sheep' in the world, none of the bad things would have ever happened. But no, they wanted to be selfish and just live their fucking lives; just the same as you want to be selfish and just live your fucking life while hating on people for no other reason than because you have hate stirring in your soul.

Not all people are to blame just because you think they should be. Not all people are the problem. Groups of people are not the problem. Attacking bike riders because they don't follow the rules of the road while complaining about cars' pollution; you're focusing on a very niche part of the overall group and blaming the entire group, because there are a shit ton of bike riders out there who do follow the rules of the road; and cars do pollute.

Another one that gets me is the people who don't want to acknowledge that animals have personality and emotions just the same as humans do. They want to sit there and state that the animals would not show signs of this without humans, but how the fuck would they know? Every time a human observes an animal... Do I really need to spell this out? We were wild once, too. Cavemen. We learned how to be nice and get along with each other and animals are no different. They do have the same range of personalities and emotions and a life time of being around animals such as cats and dogs and lizards and rats and mice has shown me nothing else. In fact, it is shown throughout the animal kingdom just how much like man animals actually are. You know what their one differing trait is? They can't speak and most of them don't have opposable thumbs. Automatically assumed that they're just dumb animals, like the 'savages' that 'civilized society' has wiped out countless times throughout history out of fear and lack of understanding.

Further yet, those damn animal-hugging nuts that scream up and down that meat is murder and that nobody should eat meat because we go through and massacre them. Look at the plants that you eat, bitches. How is that any different? Oh wait, the blood is green instead of red and plants can't fucking scream in your face as you kill them, can they? A life is a life, you fucking retarded motherfuckers. It's just as much 'murder' as any meat that people kill. While that sinks into your thick ass skulls, consider the fact that murder is a necessary part of life. We must kill something to live. Well, except for those nut-cases who believe they can absorb nutrients from the sun, but that's unproven, isn't it? Either make friends with the killing nature inside of you and be thankful for the life that gave itself up so you can live or just stop eating entirely. Either way, shut your fucking mouths if you're just going to hate on people who eat meat for the sole reason that they eat meat. Now, if you wanted to focus on the more horrific practices of what we do leading up to eating the meat, be my guest. People are sick fuckers. Not all, but enough to make a huge difference, and there's varying shades of it.

People in general are varying shades of bad and good, right and wrong. There is no clear answer and people sit there like judgmental bitches when they're not any better than those they judge. Here we are looking for clear answers; has to be one or the other, no in between or compromise, and the answer is that there is more than just the one or the other; multiple various facets to everything, there is more than just right and wrong. There is love and understanding and a world of difference between this world we live in and the world we want to live in.

You want to be a part of the future of this world? Learn to actually think and be aware of these things in your day to day. This is the type of thinking that will inevitably win out, over all others. We're going to stamp out ignorance bit by fucking bit until we're all just this big brotherhood of man and animal that looks out for one another and helps each other out in life instead of trying to do out-do or distance ourselves from our own natures. We are beholden to this planet that gave us life and here we sit trying to destroy it to prove that we know more than nature, that we can do it just as good if not better; all because we're afraid of the things we know because there's no answer as to how we know them. That's the divide between science and spirituality. Science is nothing more than the attempt to prove and rationalize the things that spiritualists have already known and been doing for countless ages of the world.

And the bitch-made part of it is that I know the truly ignorant among the people will not read this and will definitely not admit to reading this. In fact, this fall into the tl;dr category, because people just don't want to face these truths. Well fuck you, you spineless cowards that hide from the truth behind your ignorant bullshit so you can try to sleep better at night; avoiding your own downfalls and problems, blaming them on others and hating others just because. This will realistically only circulate around the people who are already open-minded and calm. People who would find it natural to feel guilt about this and to ALLOW themselves to feel guilt.

Either we can conquer this divide or we can continue in strains of insanity that humankind has continued in for far too long already, listening to entirely the wrong people; feeding into entirely the wrong modes of thinking. That's what it boils down to. Either break the cycle of continue being a part of it. As it stands, I'm sick and tired of seeing the bullshit that gets posted half the time without any thought whatsoever. It's fucking ridiculously ignorant and ugly. Disgusting. Everyone has an opinion and they all stink. It's time to look beyond opinions and bullshit and look at the actual facts of the world we live in. Never mind the distractions and the hate and negativity. Actually look at things. Actually look at yourselves, instead of perpetuating these bullshit and ignorant beliefs.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Ant and the Grasshopper

I bet a lot of you watched 'A Bug's Life' at least once. I watched it while growing up, as I'm sure a fair amount of you did as well. Some of you have kids who have seen it.

I also bet that a lot of you remember the story that preceded that movie; the basis of it. The hardworking ant does so much work to provide for the colony all year round and the lazy grasshopper who did no work was unprepared and expected the ant to take care of it.

In 'A Bug's Life', we cheered for the ants and applauded Flik's courage. We booed the grasshopper who only sought to use the ants and have them put in hard work all for their own benefit while the ants suffered.

We are the ants. We work hard all year round to provide for ourselves and our families; those of us who can work. The grasshoppers at the top of the chain keep telling us it's not enough; they just can't support us in this time of need, yet we have worked hard to support them and promote them in this hierarchy of greed.

We're given luxuries and the illusion of freedom to make us apathetic; made to be cynical and untrusting, so we continue to fail to come together for a common goal. We all have to trust somebody at some point and who is there that's worth trusting in this day and age where nobility and honour are things of the past?

We're slaves from the minute we're born. We become indebted to society and will have to work the entire rest of our lives to secure any type of freedom; and even that only lasts as long as the money. We are told from birth that we're free, but if you look around you, you realize you have to pay to live.

The government keeps taking away our freedoms here and there where they can; watching for any threat against them. They are not afraid to attack the public to ensure fear, and they know how to cover it up to make it look like someone else did it.

People deep in conspiracy theories say to follow the money. They're not far off. Our vote for president does not matter. We vote and it passes through the electoral college; a group of up and coming politicians who are eager for promotion through the ranks of politics and are willing to please those who are able to make such things happen. A good amount of them come from colleges of prominence; you tend to have to come from a family of money.

Our votes go to the Electoral College and they get to decide whether or not our votes mean anything at all; they then vote how they want to regardless.

All of our presidents have come from highly acclaimed colleges that you really have to be a member of a family with money to attend. They attended private schools while growing up, which also costs a good amount of money. They are indoctrinated from an early age by these schools to run this country through politics and legalese.

The Republican and Democrat parties are the only two parties that really get noticed; again due to money. There is an almost limitless amount of money pushed forth to pay for advertising, etc. for those two parties. By the end of every election, only those two parties are left standing, because they got the most attention.

But that's just the outer shell of Government. The true power lays in Congress, which is based in Washington D.C., which is not even a part of the United States. It is a District of Columbia. They have their own convoluted methods of getting into office and all of them love the smell of money; which can conveniently be taken without anyone's knowledge because, technically, they are not in the US.

Our laws themselves are a convoluted mess that constantly undermine our Constitution and really only work to make criminals out of people who can not maneuver through the loopholes of the law and makes criminals out of people who have harmed no one and nothing. When it works, you feel reassured that the system is working, making you forget just how much they get wrong and how much they allow to go on.

Intelligent enough to run their sweatshops and work the system, but never intended to be smart enough to see through it; that was their hope. How they have manipulated the American population because they need us for support; yet abandon us when we need it most and keep cutting away that support so more and more people die and they can count it off as an 'unavoidable sacrifice' while they pursue 'greater good' around the world.

People are corrupted on a daily basis; made to be confused because they're allowed to do almost anything they want and can get away with. Nobody is really allowed to discipline their children any more due to the laws. Everyone's afraid of getting arrested for it. Or, worse yet, they truly believe their child should have everything and overlook all of the bad things they do because they're so blinded with love. Or worst yet, they don't love their children at all and do nothing but make of their lives a living hell where the children can only hope to go out and do the same instead of giving in to the call of suicide.

Eventually it's going to crumble; it's all going to fall apart. Everything they ever worked for will be gone and we'll be left to pick up the pieces and try to put it all together. No doubt, some other enterprising individual will seek to control us in similar manners, manipulating us and telling us we need government; that someone needs to run things for everyone else.

When does the cycle end? If you truly believe it can be achieved without violence, you are naive and you've fallen for what they want you to believe. I really pity you because when violence does break out; as it always does when two immovable objects collide; you will be caught by surprise; you will panic and you will almost surely perish in the ensuing chaos.

Imagine a world free of grasshoppers; free of those who only seek to take advantage of people. A world where we take care of each other and the other animals on this planet. A world where technology and education were equal for everyone and people didn't have to live in fear or insecurity, because everyone was happy and able to get along.

There is no way to get that without violence, because there is no way the people in charge will allow it to happen. It's not profitable to them; they don't get to be in charge; they don't get to have power because everyone is equal and we all have power as equals. We'll all be intelligent and knowledgeable enough not to be manipulated and corrupted into allowing others to take freedom from us. Everything we do will be by choice and it won't be pressed on us under duress.

I'm not saying to go out and start a fight or to start a war. Just wake up; be aware of what's going on. Be prepared. The more they try to stop change, the more change persists and when it finally happens, the result is infinitely more chaotic than if people had just allowed it to happen naturally. This is the result of all the negativity and hate that has been allowed to circulate because for way too damn long, the good among us have fought and then inevitably stopped fighting because we believed the fight to be over.

We, as a species, always need to remain vigilant against being taken advantage of in any way; we need to be wary of the people who know how to say the things we like to hear so they can get something from us that we inevitably fail to realize is taken until it's too late. We know how cunning and how ruthless people can be at times and lies rush ever ready to the surface when pressed by necessity.

Being a 'hero' is discouraged by society in this day and age. Bullies run things and people love to laugh at the person who tries; they wear them down until they're nothing. Meanwhile, people walk by who never do a thing to help. They do nothing out of fear, because they believe it impossible of themselves to be a hero; they believe themselves to be weak, because that's the insecurity that's inevitably driven in when we're continually overwhelmed. It's divide and conquer at its best and those with popularity from being top dog hate to give it up.

The thing is, we're all heroes if we allow ourselves to be. We are all stronger than most of us will ever realize and hopefully will never have to realize. If we all stood up at once, the bullies would be outnumbered. If we all were heroes, none of us would have to be ostracized or become so full of negativity that we become the bullies we once hated; lashing out in pain and bitterness.

The only people who are sheep are those who haven't woken up to realize that they're the lions charged with keeping the wolves away.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It is important to discipline your children, no matter what the law might state. The law was originally intended to keep people from going overboard on disciplining their child and many people have lost sight of that.

It's great that there are people who want to be friends with their kids; that's just as important as discipline. You have to find a balance between the two, where a child may be happy, but also know where a line is drawn.

It goes even further toward the proper education of the child if you explain why they are being punished in a manner that they can understand. Do not treat your child as if they are stupid, but take into account they might not be understanding something the way you're saying it. Every child is different.

Without discipline, children become spoiled, they lack understanding of consequences to their actions. They will go out and do horrible things. So, too, if your over-discipline your child, they have no understanding of anything other than being oppressed and will similarly go out and do horrible things.

The development of any child is tricky and not everyone is cut out to be a parent. These are hard facts of life and the lack of efficient guidelines for parents and children hows in our society.

The perfect parent has a blend of understanding both the mind-frame of the child and of themselves. They know how to be reasonable and allow their child to have fun, insofar as they are not harming anyone or themselves, and know when to discipline and how much. They are not overly affected by the trials and tribulations of their youth or the anger and repressed hatred that they feel for those who raised them.

Any child deserves so much better care and attention than we received while growing. Some of us already had great parents and teachers and so shouldn't need this bit of advice. But the fact remains those are few and far between. Take time with your children; teach them how to think for themselves, how to live; how to avoid pitfalls. Teach them how to learn the best lessons from any given situation. Teach them how to make mistakes and how never to give up.

Our children remain the future of our world and the more and more we ignore them and allow them to raise themselves out of our own laziness and wish to just sit back and let TV or Video Games do the work, the worse off we all will be. Like any growing things, children need tender loving care, attention, and strict guide lines explained in ways they can understand for how we should interact with others.

It's frustrating at times. Kids can be annoying. They can completely frazzle you and wear you out. But, they are just children and you are the adult. You need to set the best example that you can and be the role model for them to exemplify. Why pass on to them all the negative BS that you had passed on to you? Why teach them how to abuse and manipulate and use those around them? Did you ever like anyone else doing that to you? No, I bet you did not.

Being a parent isn't a loyalty contest, either. Getting your child's back regardless of the situation is just lunacy. If they fucked up, they fucked up. What are they going to do when you're no longer around to protect them from their fuck ups? You must exemplify deeper underlying loyalty by showing them responsibility and maturity and let them know that regardless of how they fuck up, you will be there loving them, but you can not save them from the consequences of their own actions.

Even if you can save them from them, you do so at great harm to them. You do far more harm by sheltering your kids from the world than by preparing them for it. And, if you prepare your children properly, they will go throughout the world and spread it on to others in the same fashion. It all begins and ends with our children.


Too often these days I see people too impatient to read through a ten minute snippet of text. They say such famous lines as 'tl;dr' and 'you didn't have to write a book'.

The problem is that a single word can change the meaning of an entire body of words laid together; depending on the word. To summarize anything in simple and concise sentences leaves a lot out that should be explained. It allows too much for people to infer various different things from a single point of origin; some times things that the original person who said the words never intended.

Those of us that continue to spread those concise statements see the things we like to see and expect others to see the same things, not realizing the differing viewpoints that would allow even the most basic of messages to become altered and skewed to fit an individuals perspective.

A frightening large amount of people no longer have the patience or attention span to have something fully explained to them, and this is by design. From our cartoons to our social media, everything is designed for the person on the fly; the person with too much going on to pay attention fully to things they should; a person too caught up in the proceedings of society to take a moment to value things as they should; too caught up in chasing things they think are important that they fail to actually see what is important.

Where there is confusion, there is chaos; where there is chaos, there is man fighting his fellow man, allowing enterprising people who care little for such things to reach out and grab power and control of the world and its people for their own machinations. Distract the public, get them fighting each other and paying attention to things of little to no importance. Sleight of hand, like the US President and Congress:

"Please pay attention to the dancing monkey in the suit while we conduct our business in private. Thank you."

In the end, it's just another illusion; another magic trick; designed to deceive the public and getting them to believe in things that aren't at all important to the overall scheme of things and if they were to look behind the trick, they would be sorely disappointed with what they saw.

Another thing capitalized on is peoples ego. "We know so much that we have no reason to learn anything new, unless it's really interesting."

We are a nation of sheep that thinks they are wolves in sheep clothing and therein lays our downfall, because in our egotism and vanity, we fail to see that we are truly sheep and the true sheep in wolves clothing are far more diabolical and scheming than most of us have ever dreamed of being.

If this weren't the way of things; if people listened to wisemen instead of people in positions of authority who speak out their arses; things would be entirely different in the world and there would not be so much suffering.

Too long have the good and wise among mankind kept silent or been corrupted; too long has this all gone on. From era to era, generation to generation, person to person. This is not nature; this is insanity.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Weak Are Meat...

I watched Cloud Atlas the other day. Brilliant movie and I recommend seeing it at least once or twice. Anyway, one line of the movie stuck out significantly for me: 'The weak are meat, and the strong do eat.'

I do not agree with this sentiment as I believe there not to be any weak people in the world; only those who have yet to find their strength. However, it paints a picture that 'peace-freaks' simply can not afford to ignore.

There are people in this world who believe; as strongly as you believe in the things you believe in; that they can take whatever they want, can do whatever they want. There is no way to talk them out of it; to speak to them reasonably about it; they will continue to prey upon those who they deem as weak.

It is a nice thought, that of solving the worlds problems through discussion, however it's not very realistic. Even though our world has seemingly moved past the chaos and carnage of past ages to deliver us unto a world of 'advanced' thinking (which isn't really advanced and has circulated to the surface countless times in history) humans are still, ultimately, the same.

Congressmen and women, politicians, etc. Not just government, but all over in all stages of society. They take and take and there is no give except that which is suitable to them. They twist and turn the existence of countless people who would rather live in peace all for their own momentary gain.

To ignore the fact that these people exist and exist in large numbers in the world is akin to ignoring the fact that good people exist in the world and exist in large numbers. Eventually, the unprepared will realize reality; most often too late; and a cycle continues on that we are only powerless to stop due to the majorities insistence on ignoring simple truths and allowing it all to continue through their fears and insecurities that others have put in them.

This is why I say a war is on the horizon; in fact it's already here. It's been here for quite some time and continues to be fought on various levels of both physicality and mentality. This is why I say a lot of people will die; however those deaths will be cut short by the deaths of natural disasters, which you can see by the news are hitting the world with increasing frequency as of late.

Those who ignore the signs and patterns of history and of the world around them are doomed to repeat them and doomed to be caught unawares by them.